I’m lost again

1 min readJan 28, 2022

Completely betraying all the things I’ve learned

I feel like the test strokes of a brand new pen,

Remaining idle

While the brand new pen glides through, knowing that it works perfectly fine

I know this isn’t right

Just like the new pen gliding perfectly, I also know it’s going to be okay

But thoughts keep piling

And after years of practice,

putting on a face isn’t a problem anymore

I have to do something about it

so what did I do?

  1. I have to focus on what I can do right now, I have to prioritize what’s important
  2. I have a voice
  3. There’s no right choice, the choice I make will eventually lead to a place that I’m meant to be in
  4. Recognizing my small wins… and let that be a motivation to bigger and better wins
  5. It’s really ok to mess up, I will mess up continuously… I’m probably messing up this one too, but no one is born a pro

